IQ Robots was the name of the auto-trading service from IQ Option. The IQ Robots service was an innovative service for binary options because it let anyone create a setup, that is, configure a strategy which then works automatically like a binary options Robot.

Robot IQ Option
IQ Tradeasy is the Robot to IQ Option. This software is easy to use and Free.
What is IQ Robots?
This system was a Binary Options Robot, but made by IQ Option to their own platform. It was system that allowed traders to build a strategy and to make it automatic.
This would allow to get 24/7 trading on its platform with a strategy made by the trader itself.
On the paper that was a nice solution, but the fact is that the system was kind of dificult to use.
The platform to build a strategy was not very user friendly.
I don’t know why IQ terminated that program, if it was because it was not simple to use, or because any regulation issue.
In any case, the time they had it, I think not many traders use it, just because it was kind of dificult to use it.

Before, in order to create a robot or something that was automatic, one would need to know how to code and create a robot that ran in MT4. No platform at any brokerage allowed one to automate anything. Only a few brokers that use MT4 allowed automation, but one needed to know how to code to be able to do that.
Now, even without knowing how to code in MQL (the language used in MT4) you can create an automatic strategy that works 24 hours a day without the need for your presence in the account.
One of the problems with trading binary options is that most Robots that appear in the market are not able to offer consistent results. On the other hand, there are many people who develop their own strategies, and of course, prefer to trade with them, but due to the time restraints they can’t be at the computer during all the hours they would like to trade.
Now, with this service, you can leave your favorite strategy running automatically in your account. You don’t even have to leave the account open on your computer. You just program the robot and let it run. You can log out of the account.
In addition, IQ Robots also allows you to use automated robots or strategies prepared by other people as long as they share them with you.
You can see which Robots or automated strategies are returning better results in IQ Option as long as their owners share them, and you can choose to copy these same strategies to your account.
Vídeo Tutorial with the new IQ Option Robot
In practice, IQ Robots allows you to do two different things:
1 – You can program one or more strategies to trade in your account even if you aren’t logged on.
2 – You can copy automated strategies or robots created by other IQ Option clients who share their strategies here on IQ Robots, letting other users copy and use them in their own accounts.
– Allows you to trade in your account at any time of the day, and even on days that for whatever reasons you can’t place trades yourself manually.
– Automates the process of graphics analysis in search of the best entry points, using the indicators and settings you like best.
– Removes the emotion and the errors that sometimes happen when we trade manually.
– Increases profits, because the account works 24 hours a day (if your strategy is a good one).
– Increases the risk. On bad days there are large losses because the account always trades as long as there is money in the account. And there are days that the market is bad, and even if your strategy is good there will always be bad days. Since you aren’t present and tracking the account, the losses can increase quickly.
– We’re limited to a few existing indicators on the platform. So, the strategies that we can automate will always be very basic and simple.
Honestly, I think the IQ Robots service turns out to be a good service. However, we will always be limited by the existing resources on the IQ Option platform. Which, even being the best binary options platform, continues to be very basic when compared to the MT4 platform.
So, robots or strategies that we can create here on IQ Robots will always be basic and probably will never be as good as the best that is configured on professional platforms with professional indicators.
Two specific examples of what I’m saying are, one, the strategy that I use in my daily trades and I teach my students in my Binary Options Courses uses an indicator that does not exist here, so it is impossible to automate the strategy on IQ Robots.
The video below shows how to create a robot com o IQ Robots
To open an account at IQ Option and test IQ Robots, click the banner below.
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